sponsoring associations
The aim of the sponsoring associations is to support the sponsoring association in shaping the schools of the sponsoring association Europäisches Gymnasium Waldenburg into one of the leading educational institutions in Saxony. The aim is to enrich the Saxon school system. The basic principles are European openness to the world, the promotion of healthy individualism and education according to the principles of humanity, tolerance and solidarity.
Today, its activities are based on three pillars:
- the financial support of the schools of the sponsoring association,
- the non-material support of the schools, and
- the further expansion of the number of members and the retention of former pupils.
In doing so, the sponsoring associations are to become the contact and home of former graduates in particular. Financial support formed the basis of all activities until 1998 and has since run parallel to the other two pillars.
Gefördert werden:
- Ausbau / Einrichtung neuer Klassenräume
- Vergabe von Stipendien
- Unterstützung der Jugendkunstschule und des Sportvereins Eurogymnasium Waldenburg e.V.
- Unterstützung innovativer Projekte (Zusammenarbeit mit Daetz-Zentrum Lichtenstein, Aufnahme von CD's, ...)
- Erweiterung der Lehrerbibliothek
- Bezuschussung von Exkursionen